Consider the following questions about prayer. Many people have questions about prayers, but have no answers. The lack of answers has led many to give up on prayers as a spiritual tool, and some have become abolishers of prayers, concluding prayers or some types of prayers are no longer relevant.
Why does the Holy Spirit groan on our behalf, since we donât know how to pray?
Why do some prayers get answered and some donât?
Why have I been praying and it looks like things are getting worse?
Why did Jesus teach the disciples how to pray?
Why did the prophets pray differently?
Why did the sons of Sceva get injured while trying to cast out demons?
Why do many people who cast out demons suffer attacks?
I have been praying for this long, but God is yet to answer, what could be wrong?
Am I doing anything wrong, each time I think I am free, things just reset and I have been praying for 10. years, what's going on?
Why am I having spiritual attacks after I pray?
Does God still answer prayers?
I have been to many prophets and I do not see any results despite all the prayers
The technical prayer book answers many questions like this.